We are often asked which tea infuser is best for loose leaf tea? With so many choices it is easy to end up with a kitchen draw full of tea infusers that are not used. Our choice is a basket or stick infuser with a fine mesh. The reasons are:
1) It has multiple uses. It can be used in a cup or teapot, eliminating the need for multiple tea infusers for different tea occasions.
2) It suits almost all types of tea – black tea, green tea and herbal tea. A basket with a fine mesh will ensure a clean cup of tea with minimal tea sediment.
3) They make it very easy to empty your used tealeaves into the compost or bin and are very easy to rinse out after use.
4) Finally and we think most importantly, a tea basket will allow the tea to move while brewing. Many infusers do not allow the tea to move, a critical steep in the brewing process.